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Warner, New Hampshire
Woodland Chief's Head dress. Turkey feathers and beaverpelt. Property of Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
Collection of Abenaki, Mohawk, MicMac and Penobscot bags. Property of the Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
Model of Construction of a birch bark canoe. Property of the
Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
Fishnet with wooden handle and hand tied netting.
Collection of the Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
Examples of quilled boxes and quilling on a loom. MicMac.
Collection at the Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
Another beautiful example of MicMac quilling on boxes and loom.
Collection at the Mt. Kearsage Museum, Warner, NH.
One of many excellent examples of woodland birch bark
baskets inscribed with various designs depicting animal and
plant life. Collection of the Mt. kearsage Museum, Warner,
All photos and text copyrighted to Morningstar Studio
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